



Dealing with the significant change of climate, living conditions and environments in general, consumers nowadays pay more attentions to sustainability and corporation’s commitments for their social responsibility. So how could your enterprises convey a sustainable image to consumers? Following are 3 effective channels which help your buyers recognize you as one of the “responsible” brands among other competitors.

  1. Through eco-packaging to convey social responsibility

Choosing the recycled and recyclable material for your packaging is a good way to send an indirect message to your customer that you are following a sustainable practice for your products. Indeed, according to a research from The Bucharest University of Economic and Bucharest Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Romanian consumers prefer the packaging of paper, glass, and cardboard; among them 52.9% shoppers opt for products with packaging from cardboard. It is a trend to replace your plastic packaging by a cardboard packaging, such as our corrugated boxes or Eco-Envelope…. Eco-friendly consumers will highly appreciate the brands showing their social responsibility through green packaging.

  1. Payback to consumers for recycling items – a new model of social responsibility.

This used to be a creative marketing and social responsibility campaign from TerraCycle - an innovative recycling company. Before turning into a recycling business, in its early day between 2004 and 2006, TerraCycle started the business with selling liquified fertilizer from worm poop packed in plastic bottle. Since the new bottles were too expensive for them, they started to buy back the used one at $0.02 for each plastic pouch and fill the liquified fertilizer into it to send to their buyers. 

Later, with Recycling Brigade Program, they were successful to engage their customers into other recycling activities by creating the local recycling posts along USA. It is a significant successful example of a social enterprise. 

  1. Publishing your sustainability plan on website and social networks

This would be seen by consumers as your official commitment to sustainability by announcing that you are actively participating into an eco-friendly path for your production and service. Sometimes publishing a part of Life Cycle Assessment results of your products will show your customers and business partner how sincere your enterprise is to your social responsibility.

Of course, there are many more way to convey your sustainable message to consumers such as through packaging design or other marketing campaign. Above ideas might be old, might be new but they are valuable case studies or information for your enterprise to consider. We hope that you could somehow find them helpful for your business when you decided to commit with your social responsibility.






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