


6 façons de réduire l'utilisation de plastique

environmentally friendly
environmentally friendly

6 façons de réduire l'utilisation de plastique

1. Utilisez un sac de magasinage réutilisable

À partir de maintenant, emportez toujours des sacs à provisions, car cela permet de réduire la consommation de sacs en plastique couramment utilisés après les achats. Ce sac est pratique à transporter et à utiliser car il peut être plié et rangé sans prendre beaucoup de place. Généralement, il existe différentes tailles, vous pouvez donc vous adapter aux besoins de leur utilisation. En fait, ce sac peut être n’importe quel sac, ce qui est important pour ranger vos courses.

2. Utiliser du carton

Ceci est une alternative aux sacs à provisions, vous pouvez utiliser des boîtes pour stocker vos courses. En plus d’être respectueux de l’environnement, ce sac en papier est également assez facile à transporter et ne prend pas beaucoup de place.

Le carton peut également être utilisé pour l'emballage et il est considéré comme un emballage respectueux de l'environnement.

3. Utilisez un sac à poussière

Vous pouvez également utiliser des sacs à poussière pour séparer les types d'articles d'épicerie, tels que les articles de toilette, de sorte qu'ils ne se mélangent pas aux aliments lorsqu'ils sont placés dans un sac à provisions. De cette façon, vous pouvez réduire l'utilisation de sacs en plastique lors de vos achats.

4. Utilisez un gobelet

Commencez à utiliser le verre comme lieu de consommation facile et pratique à emporter en voyage, que ce soit à l’école, sur le campus, au bureau ou lors d’une promenade ou de vacances. Pourquoi? En utilisant un gobelet, vous pouvez réduire l'utilisation de bouteilles en plastique qui seront éventuellement jetées et deviendront des déchets plastiques. Actuellement, de nombreux gallons ou de l'eau de remplissage sont disponibles dans les installations publiques. Vous pouvez donc remplir de l'eau potable si votre verre est vide.

5. Commencez à utiliser des pailles réutilisables

Vous savez que les pailles en plastique de différentes tailles sont très difficiles à détruire? Jamais entendu parler de pailles réutilisables? Oui, les pailles que nous pouvons utiliser encore et encore commencent à en produire beaucoup, vous savez. Ces pailles sont fabriquées à partir de matériaux durables et sûrs, notamment le bambou, le verre et l’acier inoxydable. Les couleurs et les formes de ces pailles sont également très diverses et accrocheuses, vous le savez.

Si nous achetons cette paille réutilisable, elle sera généralement accompagnée d'un récipient de stockage et d'une petite brosse pour la laver et la nettoyer après utilisation. Vous devez donc apporter le conteneur si nécessaire et ne pas oublier de veiller à sa propreté.

6. Commencez à utiliser des ustensiles non plastiques (Eco friendly)

Un ustensile est un équipement utilisé à la maison, en particulier dans la cuisine. L'utilisation d'ustensiles non plastiques est une alternative que vous devriez essayer. L'équipement ou les outils en non-plastique tels que le bois, le bambou et l'inox sont généralement plus durables et plus sûrs à utiliser. En outre, la maintenance est également facile, il n’ya donc aucun inconvénient à remplacer les ustensiles en plastique pour la maison ou le bureau.

Sustainable Packaging: 5 Benefits of Using It for Your Business

sustainable packaging for business
sustainable packaging for business

1. Cost savings

From the moment the company adopts a more sustainable line of thought, it wants to increasingly dry its processes. In other words, ways are sought to avoid waste, reuse materials and reuse resources. All of these actions provide a major reduction in production costs. Therefore, having a sustainable business can be profitable.

For a package to be considered sustainable, a number of aspects need to be taken into account. Many think that it is simply made up of recyclable material. But it goes beyond that. It is essential that production promotes resource savings and the optimization of internal processes. Sustainable packaging is synonymous with economy and efficiency for the environment, society and, of course, the company itself.

2. Employee Satisfaction

In addition to economic activities, a company has a large role in the social sphere. Therefore, adopting a posture that shows the institution concerned about the environment and the community makes society as a whole feel good about that brand. Within this community are included the corporation's own employees. These sustainable actions motivate and inspire them to also rethink their actions in accordance with environmental awareness.

An employee is not just a resource for generating more profit. He is a human being and therefore has his educational, professional, cultural and social background. Having motivated and inspired employees greatly drives the development of a company as they are dedicated to the success of the business just as they are dedicated to their own success.

Employees are nothing more than internal customers. Even if they do not consume the products or services of the company they work for, they have great potential for influence in building the brand image.

3. Legal Benefit

The consequences of human activities can already be seen in the environment. The actions generated a general awareness about the importance of ecological preservation. Thus, from the smallest to the grandest attitudes can have a positive impact on the planet, causing the authorities to adopt more stringent environmental legislation.

As such, many business owners are already noting the importance of environmental sustainability not only as a financial aspect, but also as a high legal value. Those that do not comply with environmental laws are subject to inspections.

The investment in sustainable packaging causes managers start to manage resources in a more rational way. These attitudes lessen environmental impacts. In addition to avoiding government punishment, the company can also benefit from a range of tax incentives offered to companies that adopt sustainable postures, such as exemption from some taxes.

4. Branding Improvements

Branding is the work of building and managing the image of a brand in the market. With good branding, the value of the business becomes greater. That is, it is basically your reputation. And environmental sustainability can become a great ally in building this good image, especially in today's world. Today's consumer no longer chooses products only for low prices or high quality. He is more engaged in environmental issues, more demanding and critical. With big incentives for conscious consumption, the 21st century consumer is harsher, and may even boycott businesses that have no ecological concerns.

This more eco-conscious consumer is looking for companies that have the same line of thought as him. It is basically a matter of identification and ideology. Using sustainable packaging makes it an environmentally responsible business, which adds a lot of value to the brand. Proof of this is the appreciation of the shares of environmentally responsible companies on the stock exchange, as they have aroused greater interest from investors.

5. Competitive Advantage

Sustainable packaging ensures more efficiently and less complexly packaged products . This leads to reduced transportation costs, easier inventory, reduced input utilization and, of course, less impact on the environment. Once branding succeeds, and when you can associate all these benefits with your brand image, you can make a big competitive leap.

A corporate image linked to environmental and social responsibility makes the brand stand out in the competitive market. Customers who consider green issues - the majority - will create a strong preference for the company. More than that, the community at large will have a good view of the corporation's activities and products. Meanwhile, competitors who do not adapt to this market trend will be left behind.

In the business world, sustainability is nothing more than the set of ethical attitudes and practices taken towards non-aggression to the environment and economy of natural resources. However, this does not nullify the search for economic growth. After all, without it companies cannot keep up in the market.

Sustainable packaging is a great choice for companies that want to adapt to green trends because they offer a number of advantages. The main one concerns the building of brand image vis-à-vis consumers, the market and society as a whole.

Eco Sleeves or Elastic Corrugated Cardboard Is a Great Solution for Eco Packaging

eco sleeves. elastic corrugated cardboard
eco sleeves

Eco sleeve or elastic corrugated cardboard represents a great solution for packaging and is a reliable substitute for plastics. Their characteristics add to its versatile usability but at the same time, it promotes ecology and sustainability.

Our eco-friendly corrugated cardboard sleeve is designed in a way that totally hugs the object and ensures protection.
The ideal packaging for the cosmetic sector!

Our VP & CDO Doctor Lara Botta presented this innovative, sustainable packaging and entirely made of cardboard product in Milan for an event at the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, Monza, and Brianza, also earning the attention of “Il Giorno” given the particularity of product.

The protective elastic cardboard, which lends itself well to multiple uses in the cosmetic sector, is light, versatile and adaptable in shape and color, it is an excellent ally for attractive and cost-effective packaging at the same time.

The protective elastic cardboard will wrap your products, so as to protect them during transport, allowing you to reduce the volumes of your packaging without sacrificing protection.

Protective elastic cardboard: a single packaging and many possible uses.
The protective elastic cardboard is particularly suitable for use as protection for cylindrical objects, such as small metal parts, glass, and ceramic objects.

Available in standard sizes and also in custom formats, depending on the quantity requested.

It is resistant to humidity and can be made in different colors, in addition to the classic Havana, depending on the quantity requested.

It will allow you to protect your products without sacrificing design and a green lens.

4 avantages du carton pour l'emballage

cardboard packaging boxes
cardoboard boxes

4 avantages du carton pour l'emballage

Le carton est largement utilisé comme matériau d'emballage pour les envois. L'utilisation du carton présente plusieurs avantages, puisqu'il protège les articles expédiés, qu'il est économique et qu'il change facilement de forme. De nombreuses entreprises, y compris celles qui produisent des emballages écologiques, utilisent du carton.

Nous analysons certains de ces avantages

1. Protégez les objets

En tant qu'emballage, le carton protège les articles expédiés ou déplacés. Le carton ondulé comporte plusieurs morceaux de carton superposés pour amortir les objets fragiles, tels que les morceaux de verre, les téléviseurs, les ordinateurs ou les meubles délicats aux grandes surfaces planes. Plus vous posez de carton sur un article, plus vous créez d’amorti et de protection pour les articles qui tombent. Cela alourdit également l’article et crée plus de déchets d’emballage.

2. Matériel bon marché

Le carton est peu coûteux à produire et est généralement fabriqué à partir de matériaux recyclés et ne coûte pas très cher s’il est acheté en gros. D'autres matériaux d'emballage sont en plastique, en bois ou en métal, tous des matériaux plus coûteux, souvent plus lourds que le carton, ce qui augmente les coûts d'expédition. Il est également considéré comme écologique et biodégradable.

3. Facilement scellé

Le carton peut être fermement scellé comme un emballage de différentes formes. Des agrafes en métal peuvent être utilisées pour maintenir le carton, car il est épais et ne se brise pas facilement si un colis tombe au sol. La surface de l'emballage en carton adhère également bien au ruban adhésif ou à la colle, ce qui peut être utilisé pour sceller l'emballage, en maintenant efficacement le carton autour d'un article jusqu'à son ouverture.

4. Flexibilité du carton

Certains morceaux de carton sont incroyablement rigides et lourds, afin de protéger ce qu'ils emballent, tandis que d'autres types de carton peuvent être enroulés autour des articles afin que le matériau ne soit pas gaspillé et que l'emballage ne soit pas encombrant ou difficile à expédier ou à stocker. On peut trouver en ligne un carton malléable pouvant être emballé efficacement dans la plupart des formulaires.

Imballaggi sostenibili e imballaggi nel rispetto del pianeta

Pianeta Terra
La società di consulenza che comprende una lunga lista di attività ha un impatto né l'ambiente né l'ambiente e la santità delle persone. La produzione di grandi quantità di decori è quella di alcuni "inconventi" elementi di associazione associati al modello di comunicazione tra le grandi imprese che coinvolge tutti i giorni. Faccia a faccia eccelle, il richiamo del pouvoir évoluer contro i beni durevoli.

Contenitori e imballaggi rispetto della pianta

Una delle parti importanti dei decreti non è stata ancora accettata dall'abbandono o dall'utilizzo mauvaise dei prodotti eux-mêmes, mais per il processo lungo e complesso connessa in tutto il mondo con la confezione.

In milioni di tonnellate di materie plastiche, cartoni, bois, métaux e altri elementi, è difficile trovare un riciclatore, utilizzare il quotidiennement in tutto il mondo per riempire, stocker, distributore, protezione o opportunità di vendita di prodotti. Emballer certi prodotti di consulenza è essenziale, più probabile che posare lorsque di emballages, di boîtes e di emballages totalement inutili e inutili nous envahissent.

La tendenza con il più grande successo nel mondo e nel quadro dei prodotti non maturati biodegradabili

Faccia a faccia gli eccessi dei contendenti e delle altre, un nuovo modello base sulla prevenzione, la minimizzazione, l'elezione della concezione, la riduzione dell'utilizzo di matières premières, il riciclo e la riutilizzazione dell'impatto. Per quel che riguarda gli elementi essenziali per i progressisti e l'applicazione del concetto di durabilità nel telaio, nel montaggio e nel montaggio in generale.

La nuova direttiva dell'Unione europea sui contendenti e le decrezioni d'emballage (qui, in questa edizione inglese, s'intitule "Direttiva sulle emballages e le decodificazioni d'insieme") souligne e rappelle que la prevenzione dell'invenzione i decreti sono il massimo che è possibile promuovere l'efficacia della società e di ridurne l'impatto ambientale dei decreti. Nel complesso, selon cette direttiva approvata nel 2018, l'importante questione delle membrane degli Stati dell'Unione europea preannuncia i mesures approcci per incoraggiare l'applicazione della proporzione di appalti attuabili sul mercato. i réduisant all'interno dei conteneurs e le emballages attuano la risposta corrispondente alle condizioni.

L'adorazione della concezione, della formulazione, delle pozioni e delle dimensioni dell'emballage fait partie del concept appecé écoconception.

Le imprese qui prodotte e vendute di prodotti di consumo sono state salvate in modo semplice e sicuro. Il maltrattamento, i produttori nombreux sono concentrati in esclusiva esclusiva sulla visuelle et conditionnent, emballent ed emballent leurs produits duneune manière qui and an riir à voir with the valoururs of protection of the environment.

Le grandi imprese non conoscono le coscienze del problema dei prodotti derivati ​​dall'eccesso di contenimenti e di imballi, dommage que leur response on so parfois plus proche of activitsés of marketing que du véritable engagement of consommateurs of the environment.

La critica ai diversi aspetti della situazione è attuata nel settore dell'adesione nel rispetto del nocciolo del rispetto degli ottimisti di relazione e delle nozioni che riguardano le amministrazioni e le imprese che continuano a comprendere le proprietà essenziali della durabilità.





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