




Coca Cola, as for many multinational corporations, cannot ignore the importance of preserving our environment; this is why the Coca Cola is working with its bottling partners for ever more sustainable packaging.

Why is it important to use sustainable packaging?

The use of sustainable packaging provides benefits and a positive impact to the environment.  Green Journal states that according to the EPA, we throw away 77.9 tons of packaging every year and a lot of packaging ends up in landfills. If you choose to buy packaging from companies that produce sustainable packaging like Botta Packaging you can reduce the amount of household waste and the environment will consequently benefit from that.

Coca Cola’s goal regarding sustainable packaging

The Coca Cola family is working hard to make 100% of its packaging recyclable globally by 2025 and use at least 50% recycled material in its packaging by 2030. In the first quarter of 2020, plastic bottle labels in Sweden put sustainability first and issued a recycling call-to-action: “recycle me again. I am made of 100% recycled plastic. Made in Sweden”. Therefore, the aim of Coca Cola in Sweden is that none of its packaging ends up as waste or in nature; the Company wants to send a positive message to its consumers, promoting a circular economy. In order to achieve this aim, the Company needs to ensure each of their bottles gets returned in order to recycle them again to new life. Thanks to a highly effective deposit return system, 85% of all PET bottles are recycled in Sweden.

In conclusion, the fact that ever more famous and popular companies prefer the use of sustainable packaging for their products is a really encouraging move towards a more sustaianble market as a whole. . All those companies which include within their range of packaging, ecopackagingproducts such as Botta Packaging’s Sustainable solutions, have a bigger and bigger market they can draw from.




Oggigiorno sono sempre di più le aziende cosmetiche italiane  che si sono convertite, o stanno cercando di convertirsi, a prodotti sempre più ecofriendly e di conseguenza ad un packaging sostenibile, dato che il problema ambientale legato all’utilizzo eccessivo della plastica ci coinvolge ormai tutti da vicino.

Che alternative di packaging sostenibile abbiamo?

Nel settore cosmetico, ormai, è sempre più comune l’utilizzo di packaging sostenibile, partendo da quello primario in vetro e arrivando ad uno secondario caratterizzato da cartone riciclato e riciclabile. Il ruolo principale del packaging in campo cosmetico è proprio quello di essere resistente e proteggere il prodotto dagli agenti esterni. Per quanto riguarda il packaging secondario un prodotto perfetto per l’imballo dei cosmetici è rappresentato da Eco-Sleeve plus, l’ultima novità di Botta Packaging. Nella fattispecie, questo prodotto oltre ad essere un’ottima alternativa di packaging sostenibile ha anche un particolare design adatto alla stampa e alla personalizzazione su richiesta del cliente.

 Quali sono i componenti principali alla base del packaging sostenibile?

I materiali usati per la realizzazione di packaging sostenibile vengono selezionati in base alla loro performance, esteticità e all’impatto che hanno sull’ambiente. In generale, per la scelta dei materiali occorre considerare che l’imballo deve utilizzare la minor quantità di materiale per garantire il mantenimento delle proprietà funzionali ed i materiali non devono contenere al loro interno sostanze tossiche per l’uomo o l’ambiente. Tra questi componenti troviamo, ad esempio, la carta, il vetro e il cartone ondulato. A questo proposito riveste un ruolo fondamentale il green claim, ossia la comunicazione di carattere ambientale che riguarda il prodotto e le sue prestazioni.


In base a quanto sopra indicato, è evidente quindi che molti settori diversi si stanno ormai convertendo sempre di più ad alternative ecofriendly e di conseguenza anche ad un packaging sostenibile. Pertanto, è giusto non ignorare le esigenze del mondo in cui viviamo e le nuove tendenze di mercato, ed aprirci, quindi, ad un mercato sempre più ecosostenibile.







Botta Packaging è stata protagonista nel programma di Green Business attraverso Lara Botta, la vice presidente dell’azienda di packaging. Durante il programma, incentrato sul mondo eco sostenibile, Lara racconta come in azienda vengono conciliati innovazione ed eco sostenibilità attraverso tre capisaldi:

1)    Il concetto di Frugal Innovation

Con l’espressione Frugal Innovation si intende l’idea di fare di più con meno, infatti Botta Packaging è l’esempio lampante che non occorre essere una multinazionale o comunque una grande azienda e investire enormi somme di denaro per poter innovare, ma semplicemente ingegnarsi e aprirsi all’innovazione anche se non si è un’azienda di grandi dimensioni. In più, attraverso progetti formativi, Botta Packaging accoglie in azienda studenti stranieri estranei al mondo del packaging, senza idee già precostituite e quindi grande fonte di stimolo e innovazione per l’azienda.

2)    Botta Packaging e il suo purpose di sostenibilità

L’obiettivo di Botta Packaging, in quanto azienda, è quello, non solo di vendere dei prodotti ai propri clienti, ma anche quello di facilitare il cliente nel raggiungimento dei propri obiettivi; quindi, parlando di sostenibilità, Botta Packaging vendendo i propri prodotti eco sostenibili vuole far sì che le proprie aziende clienti, a loro volta, raggiungano i propri obiettivi di sostenibilità. Da non tralasciare il fatto che, vendendo prodotti eco sostenibili, la stessa Botta Packaging fa del bene all’ambiente.

3) packaging e ecommerce

Anche Botta Packaging si è convertita al mondo digitale e l’ha fatto attraverso la realizzazione del progetto di di cui Lara Botta è CEO. Questo portale digitale, per la cui realizzazione l’azienda si è avvalsa della tecnologia RPA, ha permesso di offrire alle persone delle soluzioni di packaging ad hoc; questo perché molte volte la gente quando cerca una scatola la vuole personalizzata, che si adatti alle proprie esigenze e magari solo pochi pezzi. La tecnologia RPA, non era nuova ma nessuno l’aveva usata prima nel settore del packaging; grazie a, Botta Packaging, è stata selezionata tra le Top 100 European Digital Champion del @Financial Times.

La presenza di Botta Packaging come caso di studio nel libro Green Business dimostra come, ancora una volta, l’azienda sia diventata opinion leader in tema di sostenibilità e innovazione.





Over the past few years The ECommerce market is at the heart of most people’s life and certainly the spread of Covid19 in 2020 has lead to an increase of this trend in a lot of countries. A lot of people, especially those who live in countries where lockdown and strict social restrictions have been put in place, have opted and still opt for online shopping not only for luxury goods but also to purchase everyday items. Many companies worldwide already developed online platforms for their market, and with the outbreak of coronavirus have had to to invest more time and resources on this new market channel in order to cater for the increasing requirements.


The importance of sustainable packaging

The increase of online shopping demand generates, consequently, an increase of the packaging request from all those companies which work in the food, cosmetic or pharmaceutical sector for example and, for this reason, packaging firms, like Botta Packaging have the chance to be at the forefront of the Sustainable Packaging requireiments. In addition, in a world where the attention towards the environment and the consumption of ever more sustainable products are the foundations in  everyday life of a lot of people, it is important, and profitable, for packaging companies to develop EcoProducts.


Botta Packaging and Esselunga, a sustainable innovation for delivery shopping

Botta Packaging,  has always been alligned with sustainable trends. In fact the Company provides a range of ecoproducts suitable for different types of markets. In particular, as featured in Packaging Strategies, in 2019 the packaging company has developed an innovative envelope, entirely made by corrugated paper, in order to protect bottles and eggs during online shopping deliveries for a famous Italian Supermarket chain. The corrugated paper padded envelope is an alternative solution to bubble wrap, providing a product entirely recyclable and highly sustainable, while still ensuring the same parameters of protection and resistance.


In conclusion, as the growth of ecommerce is an actual trend, it is important not to oppose to it but to ‘ride the wave’ and make sure we do it with sustainable products and packaging.




2020 has been a tough time in history due to Covid19 emergency and the pandemic is not over yet but hopefully we are on the right path and it will reach the end soon, neverthless it is therapeutic to keep our minds positive and full of nice thoughts. December is one of the charmest months of the year as it is the Christmas month and we are all looking foward to find the right present for the people we love. Here we have a nice sustainable packaging option for you: EcoNet.

What is EcoNet?

EcoNet is an innovative packaging solution proposed by Botta Packaging, with a protective net; it is made up of a stretching inner part to be placed in a cardboard box which protects fragile products from damages during transport.

A Sustainable Packaging solution for your products

Nowadays, sustainability and in particular the focus on the environmental impact caused by consumerism, is a very widely felt issue among new generations and not only, who opt ever more for green and eco friendly solutions. Infact, according to a survey of 2019 made by Andrew Martins, journalist of the Business News Daily, more than 80% of survey participants from North America, Asia and Europe said they felt it was "important or extremely important" for companies to design environmentally conscious products with a particular attention to eco-friendly packaging. Moreover, according to the Business Insider, there are increasingly more consumers who want to buy a product which has a positive impact on the planet. EcoNet is, then, the ideal packaging solution to meet the new market expectations since it is made in recyclable cardboard.

Use and design of EcoNet

EcoNet is a sustainable packaging solution for a wide range of products and specifically ideal for luxury goods; for example, it can be a favoured option for lenses or a pair of glasses. One can also use it to protect fragile goods like a glass or a Cream Tub . Moreover, consumers cannot ignore the EcoNet’s beautiful design, which can also be printed and customized upon customer’s request.

EcoNet is therefore the perfect solution if one is looking for a sustainable and appealing  packaging plus, the net is simple to place into the box making it an efficient solution for logistics departments. EcoNet will give a green and extra touch to Christmas presents, business or personal, and, last but not the least, consumers can keep the EcoNet thanks to its beautiful design.




Packaging 360, an indian magazine and Sustainable Packaging News, a british online magazine have featured EcoSleeve Plus less than a week after its launch. Let us outline the deepest reasons of such a success.

Sustainability of EcoSleeve Plus

Our clients like EcoSleeve Plus as it is eco friendly and it majorly reduces the use of traditional plastic bubble wrap that is normally used in big quantities within the packaging sector to wrap fragile bottles and flasks. Once again, Botta Packaging has demonstrated to be consistent in terms of recycling and environmental sustainability and offers companies the possibility to fulfill their sustainable goals. In fact, nowadays sustainability is an issue that draws the attention of many firms; for example, giants such as McDonald’s, Honda and Tesco have undertaken a journey towards more and more sustainable solutions.

Design of EcoSleeve Plus

The design of our newly launched EcoSleeve Plus is definitely another aspect that is worth investigating further: it has two layers and the external side is made up of a flat paper overcoat that makes EcoSleeve plus printable upon request and in appropiate production quantities. Needless to say,  this feature is important for clients who place importance in the marketing and brand reputation and ask us to customize their packaging design.

EcoSleeve Plus allows to save on transportation costs and saves storage space

The inner layer of EcoSleeve Plus is made up of female and male flutes that perfectly line up and, in doing so, Eco Sleeve Plus takes up less space in storage since it can store flat and, in the same way, it allows savings on trasportation costs.

In conclusion EcoSleeve Plus is the perfect combo of an eco-friendly product with a particular design that has a positive impact on the aesthetics of the final Eco-product.








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