


MNCs and the race for Corporate Social Responsibility

As an eco-packaging enterprise, Botta Packaging has accompanied both local firms and Multinational Companies (MNCs) on their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) scheme.   MNCs were the first pioneers who adopted CSR and we always question them why and how? Let us talk about MNCs and their actions for social responsibility in the following post:

Why do MNCs actively take Corporate Social Responsibility?

MNCs spread their network globally and they find their responsibilities for local matters where they are active. It is a way to contribute back to the markets from which they are benefitting.

In addition, their social and environmental actions are the results of both public pressure and media attention. Indeed, a single mistake in one market can create the bad image for all branches of MNCs all around the world. 

Finally, Corporate Social Responsibility is used as a marketing strategy which draws attention of customers who care more and more about social and environmental problems. 

Which actions do MNCs involve in Corporate Social Responsibility plan?

MNCs will take the actions related to the social and environmental sustainability in the local markets which including the responsibility for local economy, stakeholders, rich and poor gap, education, polutions…. Some of their responsibilities could be listed (but not limited) as following:

  • Avoid the violations to human right and promote the respect to labour and their health standard which involves MNCs.

  • Benefit local communities from MNCs’ operations in developing countries

  • Manage the environmental impacts of MNCs’ operation in each countries: use of sustainable resources, cut-off in waste and emission…

  • Maintain the transparency in business practice, taxation…

  • Follow social and environmental criteria in their procurements

  • Outsource from local market for inputs to promote local economy


In fact, the responsibilities of MNCs are not limited for them only but also for their stakeholders. They need to make sure that their local partners follow the same criteria of their Corporate Social Responsibility plan. 

Apart from exceptional corporations who violates the basic principles of Corporate Social Responsibility such as causing environmental disasters or involving into labor abuse…., MNCs somehow have benefited local economy and society.



UKEssays. (November 2018). Corporate Social Responsibility Of Multinational Companies. Retrieved from






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