



Games with recycled cardboard

Children love to play and create, and sometimes they have more fun playing with boxes than with their contents. That's why it's easy to make simple games out of paper boxes that would otherwise be thrown away. Let's see together how to recycle cardboard and create some simple, fun games.

The first game we suggest is tic-tac-toe with caps and cardboard. Simply take a piece of cardboard and 6 plastic caps. Then draw a grid on the cardboard and border the outside of the whole cardboard sheet. You can then decorate the caps, remembering to make three identical ones for each type. And now everything is ready to play!

Another game that children love is dominoes. Take a sheet of cardboard and draw many rectangular shapes of the same size. Then color them in with paint or marker pens, making lots of unique tiles. Then divide the tiles equally between the players, who must attach them by joining the same color. 

You can also use a cardboard box to make a maze. All you need to do is take a cardboard box and lots of little pieces of straw. Glue the pieces of straw together with hot glue and then take the marbles to play the maze. 

For children who love musical instruments, it is possible to build a guitar out of cardboard. Shape the cardboard with 4 identical guitar parts to make the body and neck of the guitar. You can then decorate the guitar by coloring the various pieces. Next, make four holes equally spaced on the neck and the body and stretch elastic bands to act as strings. And now you have a wonderful toy guitar.

There are so many different types of cardboard toys that can be made. All you need is a little patience, imagination, and creativity. Have fun building new toys with your children, recycling paper for a waste-free and greener world!







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