




Eco-Paper Inner Packaging

You may use our Eco-Paper Inner Packaging if you are looking for one of the most environmentally friendly packaging options available for your pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, electrical goods, or any other products in general. Internally, this product has a foamy structure that provides great product attachment while also protecting particles and scratches.

Eco-Paper Inner Packaging is composed primarily of 100% recyclable paper. They disintegrate spontaneously in a couple of weeks without releasing any harmful material into the soil, making them completely compostable and biodegradable under all circumstances. It has a reduced water usage and a smaller carbon footprint throughout the manufacturing process. Shortly said, this product is entirely composed of bio-based and renewable components, making it an excellent substitute for fossil-fuel-based packaging such as plastic. They have been evaluated and confirmed by ISEGA to be non-toxic and non-GMO, indicating that they are appropriate for use in food storage and packaging.

This product is made with a standard wall thickness of 2.5 mm and is very lightweight, weighing between 165 and 180 grams per liter. They are thus well suited for weight reduction of more than 40% as compared to other conventional packing methods, as well as space optimization.

BOTTA Packaging allows for the highest degree of customization possible in terms of design, color, size, and thickness of the finished product. On our website, you can find a comprehensive overview of the customization options available.







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