



 In fast-food parlors, almost all of packaging is made out of paper. Indeed, if you are a fan of KFC, Mcdonald or Burger King…., it is easy for you to realize that all your fast-food are wrapped in paper packaging, right? So, have you ever wondered why paper is used for fast-food industry?

It’s all about convenience and safety rather than sustainability.

Convenience of paper packaging in fast food industry

Hot food usually releases vapour, plastic packaging will trap that vapour and reduce the quality of food while paper packaging can absorb the vapour better and spare you crispy fries.

Safety of paper packaging for food

Paper material is safer for food than plastics, especially for hot food. According to Havard Health Publishing, Havard Medical School, certain chemicals like Phthalates or Bisphenol A… in plastic can leach out into the food and beverages we eat. Some of these chemicals have been linked to health problems such as metabolic disorders (including obesity) and reduced fertility. 

Dr. Hauser from Havard Medical School emphasized that this leaching might occur even faster and to a greater degree when plastic is exposed to heat. Fatty foods, particularly meats and cheeses, seem more prone to absorbing high amounts of these toxics.

Compared to plastics or foam boxes, paper wrapping would be safer for fast-food which is both hot and fatty. Paper packaging is also affordable for wrapping this product.

Sustainability: Of course, using paper for wrapping food also comes along with environmental sustainability. Instead of using plastics which is non-biodegradable, paper is still a privilege for their decay-ability. Thanks to paper wrapping in food industry, our oceans and lands would not be filled with plastic waste. 

The disposal problem of paper packaging in fast-food industry

Fast-food paper packaging is mostly unrecyclable because it contains too much grease and food loads. Those substances are contaminants in reproducing new paper pulps from used paper, hence, fast-food wrapping is usually not able to be recycled.

Despite the limitation in waste disposal treatment, paper is still recommended in fast-food packaging and other takeaway services in general for their safety and convenience until better innovation comes up. As an eco-friendly consumer, we could also choose to eat on the table of fast-food parlors or restaurants to limit the paper packaging used for takeaway.






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