



Do you know that, without recycling, we will need 17 trees in average to produce 1 ton of cardboard? Imagine a world with no tree, it would, definitely, be a non-habitable world. And even when human could find the way to survive, do you really want to live on a planet without any green field? To see how important recycling and forestation are, let us draw a picture of our earth with no tree

Severe climate for living on the earth with no tree

As everybody already learnt from the high school that, through their carbon cycle, trees absorb carbon dioxides and create oxygen which is important for all living creatures. Once trees disappeared, the low oxygen and the higher carbon dioxide or other toxic gas like sulfur monoxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide… in the atmosphere made it impossible for the respiration of human and animals. 

According to Professor Dolors Armenteras from National University of Colombia, the results of mass deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon in 2019 is that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions increased exponentially after August of that year. Following, Brazil’s rural areas and large cities suffered from high level of air pollution (Antonio José Paz Cardona, 2019). 

Supposed that carbon dioxide, which is supposed to be stored by trees, was all released to the ozone layer, it would create vast greenhouse effect on the earth with no tree and temperature increases so tremendously that no creature could survive.

An image of disastrous earth with no tree

Trees prevent erosion, as we already know. “Removing trees means losing huge amounts of land to the ocean,” according to Dr. Thomas Crowther from ETH Zurich in Switzerland, said on BBC. Also, an earth with no tree to keep water into soil is an earth with drought and desertification in every continent. And even when there is rain, flood would happen in every of our remained flatland. 

Mass extinctions

“Even a single, isolated tree in an open area can act as a biodiversity ‘magnet,’ attracting and providing resources for many animals and plants,” Jayme Prevedello, an ecologist at Rio de Janeiro State University in Brazil, said to BBC. In the earth with no tree to prevent erosion, carbon running into the oceans would also cause acidification and kill all ocean’s lives. As a result, no food for human. The mass extinction would happen and turn our earth into an abandoned planet.

Above information is dedicated, thanks to the materials from BBC, National Geographic and Mongabay. It has shown us a brief future of our planet – an earth with no tree if we do not act to protect our green home. As one of our greatest prides, Botta Packaging could say that most of our products are made from recycled materials. By turning used paper into new corrugated cardboards, we believe we could help to reduce the use of new timbers in paper industry and, in some ways, slow down the deforestation. 






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