


Best packaging design of the world

There has been a rise in luxury packaging demand. This happened because customers are now understanding their role and power in many sectors.
Packaging in luxury industry are the best solution to give a quality and luxury impression for luxury goods. Luxury packaging means the choice of high quality materials combined with innovative design and shapes and finishing features.  

In Italy, the association of packaging producers has established an award for packaging of luxury. This is because of the rising demand for high packaging design, also customised and impressive at the same time.
Luxury goods should, in fact, be sold in luxury packaging. Packaging desgin  is able to convey the brand’s message and immediately give the impression of luxury and quality to the customer.
A luxury good which is not into a luxury design can covey a lack of quality, because a luxury good must be in a luxury packagingtailored for it in order to give the customer certain feelings and sensations.
This industrial packaging is really common for Made in Italy products , because an excellent product must be in a luxury packaging.

Luxury packaging design can have other fill materials in addiction, such as silk paper, or can have particular texture finishing, such as velvet touch, or particular printing techniques to ensure the luxury impression. 





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