


4 First Basic Guide to Product Packaging Package Design

Once you have gathered all the information mentioned in the ' Basic Guide to Product Package Design ', the fun part, the design process begins. Remember how to tell stories from your packaging design? The choices you make in the design process will help convey that story.

1. Understanding the Packaging Layer
There are three "layers" of product packaging: outer packaging, inner packaging, and product packaging. Your product may require one or both of these.

The outer packaging will be the first to be seen by the customer. This is to protect your product from the outside. This may include a box where the product is shipped or a shopping bag where the product is placed in the store.

Inner packaging is to ensure that the product is stored safely in the outer packaging. This can prevent something from shaking. Or it may be a sealed bag that serves to maintain freshness.
Product packaging is what most people think when they think of packaging. Boxes containing toys, bottles with labels, tags attached to clothes, candy wrapping, and so on. Each of these layers gives you the opportunity to say some of the stories you want to say. 

2. Select the appropriate packaging type

There are several packaging types available for the product.
Choosing between a box and a bottle may not always be a simple matter. But sometimes it is not. Here are some things to consider when choosing the right type of package for your product:

Everything is always this way! If you sell a liquid thing, it will limit your choice. But do not let it interfere with your creativity. Look at the Capri Sun. They made the juice packed into a pack and monopolized the juice box industry. Or a product like Go-Gurt that makes a spoonful of yogurt suck in a pack.


Did everyone else put the soup in the basket? You really want to think hard about how to put the soup into something else. On the one hand it will make you stand out and it will help you stand out. On the other hand, consumers are accustomed to soup cans and grocery stores are preparing to store cans in the soup corners, which may mean that your soup box is fighting a hard fight.

There is a great idea on how to sell astrology in a star-shaped box. However, if the budget is $ 0.50 per piece, it will not be possible. Always be an ideal customer. If a reasonable price is being sold for $ 12 each, a simple, inexpensive box is probably the best way. But if you are a hand made gold souvenir sold for $ 100, it might be better to increase your budget and buy that colorful star-shaped box.

3. Align the printer

Printing is not a task until the design is completed. But before you reach that level, you have to think ahead. When connected to a printer, it not only stabilizes printing costs, but it can also provide specific information that can help designers prepare files.

Here are a few questions:

What is the drawing?

If you use standard-sized boxes and labels, your printer must be able to provide pages and templates that you can share with your designers.

File format requirements

The printer needs a vector file. Is it a layer file? Should I include a cut line? Is not it? Designers must provide printable files in Adobe Illustrator (.ai), Photoshop (.psd), PDF, or EPS. Without the correct software, these files can not be opened, but the printer can be opened. Designers also provide visual real-world models in PNG or JPG format. Make sure you understand the right file types and can provide them to users correctly.

Color options

Some printers can match all Pantone colors and colors. For others (especially the low-cost option), the color palette you can use when working is limited.

Digital vs. offset printing

What type of printer do you use? What is the minimum order quantity for offset printing? How are costs adjusted?

To be continued  in our next blog!






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