


Process and benefits from the old carton recycling

Currently on the market, daily discharge tons of waste including carton. In fact, the carton can be completely reused, but by understanding, most people consider the old carton to be defective.

Old cartons can be reused in many forms. The simplest is that you can reuse them as needed items for your family such as wall brackets ...

 In addition, most of the old cartons are returned to the factory for reuse. From old cartons, thanks to the processing machines, we have new cartons. The carton's reincarnation cycle will remain the same, so carton products are environmentally friendly.

Carton recycling process takes many steps.

Picking -> Transportation and circulation difficult -> Recycle pulp and lighten -> Cleanse -> Remove ink -> Crush, bleach and lighten -> Paper (produced pulp to continue the process of creating paper, carton).

Recycling old cartons has many benefits:

 - Recycling cartons helps protect the forest, reducing the need for timber.
 Recycling carton is to protect natural resources and reduce the environmental pollution caused by processed fiber materials.
- Recycle cartons to reduce non-biodegradable waste, reducing pressure on dumps and buried garbage / incinerators. Because of the above reasons, cartons are increasingly used. Hope the article gives you many insights as well as the utility of recycling cartons.

Fabricate old carton into other decorations.

Carton boxes are used to help businesses keep their goods on the go. In addition, the old carton also made many beautiful items such as:
- A carton for cooking for girls.
- The house with carton material
- Carton rack
- The carton is a motorcycle model.

Botta Packaging is used for recycle corrugated cardboard and provides different types of box that can serve different your needs. Follow us here in our website

For finding a small quantities of corrugated cardboard box you can find here in our Ecommerce 






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