


When the final tree dies, the last man dies

 Our existence has been made possible only via the use of natural resources, among which trees are included. Regardless of their many benefits, trees' only benefactor, man, has been the same source of danger to their survival. Without trees, man's survival would be very difficult. Trees benefit us in many ways, which is why our very survival is dependent on them. Among them include, but are not limited to, the following.

Trees are beneficial to one's health. Trees provide oxygen, which is used to filter the air for people. They collect carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere and is hazardous to people and animals. Without this advantage, both man and animals face extinction. Additionally, they produce a large number of medications that are used to cure a variety of illnesses.

Their ability to absorb carbon dioxide also has the added benefit of reducing the pace of global warming, which is a growing worry in today's globe. As they lose moisture and reflect heat upward from their leaves, they decrease wind speeds and chill the air. Trees are believed to be capable of lowering the temperature of a city by up to 7°C.

Additionally, they aid in avoiding soil erosion and flooding, thus preserving the soil's nutrients. Because they are a source of nourishment for every living creature on the earth, soil nutrients are a critical component of food production.

 Moreover, they offer shelter and shade for both humans and animals. For birds nesting in their canopies, or tiny animals building their homes in their root systems, trees offer a plethora of opportunities

 for all kinds. Without them, none of us would have a place to sleep. They offer shade and cool the air during hot times.

This is the basic reason why BOTTA Packaging has the mission of producing sustainable packages which helps preserving and protecting the environment. Let's do everything in our power to save humankind and not just the last man.



Ubicazione: Italy





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