The contribution diversification for paper-dominated poly-coupled packaging is an important initiative that represents a further step forward in the modulation of the Conai Environmental Contribution (CAC) according to the actual recycling of packaging in different materials.
The modulation of environmental contributions provided for by the extended liability schemes for producers is indeed one of the cornerstones of the new approach proposed at Community level, to prevent upstream the environmental impact of packaging and promote its careful design. It is therefore one of the most effective levers to prevent the environmental impact of packaging, which Conai promotes within its strategy for the Circular Economy; this is accompanied by initiatives to support companies on the issues of Eco-Design and Design For Recycling.
For the paper industry, the diversification project was initially aimed at improving the efficiency of the process of valorisation of the most complex cellulose-based packaging to be recycled, consolidating and developing collection and selection activities for dedicated recycling,
The course includes an experimental phase, of at least 12 months from October 2020, with a new declarative forms with equal environmental contributions, but with a clear distinction of the types of packaging that will be subject to diversification (poly-coupled categories with a paper component of less than 80%).
We remind you that for the purposes of the Conai Environmental Contribution, poly-coupled packaging with paper prevalence (or packaging coupled with other materials) means packaging consisting of two or more materials that cannot be separated manually in a structural way, where the predominant material in terms of weight is paper and the weight of the non-cellulosic material is still more than 5% of the total weight of the packaging.