




The use of glues and adhesives has always been a necessity in order to achieve uniform types of fixing on different materials. As time has progressed and chemical and scientific discoveries have been made, adhesives have achieved increasingly specific and high performance. There are different types of natural glues: both animal and plant-based. Let's find out.

Casein glue consists mainly of calcium hydroxide, sodium salt, and casein. It is particularly suitable for gluing wood but also has good adhesion to paper and all paper products in general, cork, and natural fabrics. It is often used as an adhesive for gluing labels to bottles because it adheres easily to glass and dissolves easily when washed.

Animal glue is created from by-products of the food industries such as skin and bones. It is only soluble in water, so once fully dried it forms a real barrier to waxes, fats, and oils. It is a very versatile, durable, and easy-to-use glue. Animal glue is mainly applied to paper and cardboard, natural fabrics, cork, and wood.

The basic substance of fish glue is fish skin, mainly from cod. An important characteristic is its resistance to high temperatures. It is used in the food industry as a thickener but is also used in other areas: as a strong fixative for hair or for gluing paper, paper products, cork, leather, and wood.

Natural glues are based on starch and its derivatives mostly extracted from seeds, tubers of wheat, maize, palm, potato, and tapioca. They have a high adhesive power on cellulose and are therefore particularly used for paper, cardboard, and wallpaper. They are also used to glue labels onto cans and glass bottles.

These are the most widely used natural glues. They can replace chemical glues, which are both polluting the environment and dangerous to human health. Why not give them a try?




At fish markets and fishmongers, a lot of material is wasted and, above all, very often unsustainable and polluting material is used. Just think of the boxes that are used for fresh fish: they are made of materials that cannot be recycled and are often very polluting.

In recent years, however, we have seen the introduction of good circular economy practices in which paper and cardboard packaging, which is renewable and recyclable, becomes the alternative to the traditional materials used in this sector. Even companies in the fish industry are prioritizing sustainability to meet the demands of legislators and consumers. Increasingly discerning consumers are demanding more sustainable solutions with recyclable and renewable packaging. 

EcoFishBox is packaging for the transport of fresh and processed fish made of renewable fiber, an environmentally friendly alternative for the fish industry, where EPS (polystyrene) packaging is widely used.

Ice-packed fresh fish requires water resistance, and the structure of EcoFishBox is based on laminating the carton with a thin PET film that makes the pack watertight.

This box is delivered as a flat sheet of corrugated cardboard. The EcoFishBox takes up seven times less storage space than a traditional polystyrene box. The box can be formed by hand or by machine and can be customized by printing.

EcoFishBox is therefore a complete solution for fish packaging throughout the supply chain, including custom branded boxes and lids, automation, and ice packaging solutions. EcoFishBox helps to use fewer fossil resources and requires much less space in storage and transport, resulting in a reduced climate impact.

Thanks to EcoFishBox, the fish industry has a more sustainable supply chain by replacing fossil-based packaging with more sustainable solutions made of mainly renewable materials.

EcoFishBox is an example of how the industry is developing by increasingly looking for renewable and recyclable solutions that have less impact on the environment.




Today, the urban separate collection of paper and cardboard stands at about 2 million 900 thousand tons. However, some products deceive citizens: the so-called false friends of paper.


The false friends of paper that most confuse citizens when it is time to sort waste are receipts and takeaway pizza boxes. 

The receipt does not go in the separate collection of paper and cardboard because the material of which it is made bothers the recycling processes. The most common receipts, in fact, are made with a thermal paper whose components react to heat, generating problems in the recycling phases. 

Pizza boxes, on the other hand, could be thrown in the paper but only if they are neither dirty nor greasy. To be sorted into the paper they must be perfectly clean, and this happens in rare cases. So, even if they are just a little dirty, pizza boxes should not be thrown in the paper!

There are other materials, such as adhesive tapes, staples, and other non-cellulosic materials (e.g. the cellophane bag that wraps magazines) that should not be separated with paper at all. Even handkerchiefs should not be sorted with paper: they are very difficult to recycle.

Another false friend of paper is greaseproof paper. Greaseproof paper used for wrapping cold cuts, cheese, and buns is not recyclable. Nor is paper that has been soiled by poisonous substances, such as paper soiled by paints and solvents, recyclable. This paper, in fact, contaminates recycled paper.


In addition to false friends, there are also procedures to be followed: boxes must be flattened and compressed to reduce large packages into small pieces. Also, paper and cardboard should not be abandoned outside the containers. Two other rules to keep in mind are: do not throw the paper together with the plastic bag used to transport it to the container. Finally, do not put packaging with food or soil residues in the separate collection because they generate bad odors, hygiene, and health problems and contaminate recyclable paper. 

Here are the false friends of paper! Now that you have learned them you can make a better recycling collection, being careful about what is recyclable and what is not.




Nowadays, the topic of recycling is increasingly present in all sectors. The world of fashion is also becoming more and more involved in green and sustainability issues. But it's not just about clothes anymore. Many different brands offer jewellery made from recycled paper.


Jewellery made from recycled paper is a new trend at the moment: it is both beautiful and environmentally friendly. We are talking about bracelets, earrings, rings, and necklaces, but not only. Recycled paper beads can be used to create beautiful bracelets and fashionable necklaces. These jewellery pieces are not only easy to buy but can also be made at home, saving all those newspapers and magazines that would otherwise be thrown away. Let's see how to make them.


Making paper jewellery, as well as being a fun way to pass the time, can also be a way to recycle newspapers, magazines, cardboard boxes, and other pieces of coloured paper, without having to waste them unnecessarily. The easiest way to make jewellery is to start by making paper beads. 

There are several techniques for making paper crafts, such as the quilling technique, also known as paper filigree, which is used to make more refined and elegant paper jewellery. It consists of rolling up strips of coloured paper to make any kind of jewellery. An original and delicate way to create beautiful jewellery.

Another original way to make jewellery is to use the origami technique. You can make not only jewellery (with stiffer paper), but also geometric figures to decorate small corners of your home.

To make any kind of jewellery with paper, simply cut the paper into small squares and glue and roll them around a toothpick to create a hole in the bead. Once the small squares are dry, pull the beads off the toothpick and thread or thread a strong ribbon through them to create a necklace or bracelet.

You can now colour the beads with colours, glitter, and other decorations to make your jewellery unique. 

What are you waiting for? Recycling paper can be fun, and what better way than creating unique jewellery out of recycled paper?




Nowadays we are facing a series of problems to which we have to find urgent solutions. From plastic pollution in the ocean, global warming, to the climate crisis and deforestation; the theme of sustainability has become a trend that companies can no longer ignore.

Consumers are paying more and more attention to the issue of sustainability, and that reflects their purchasing decisions. Create and sell a good product is not enough anymore. The product also must be sustainable, and the company itself has to follow ethical rules and everything has to reflect consumer’s needs, increasingly attentive and inclined to a green lifestyle, to support the planet. 

Especially after the pandemic of COVID-19, which in one side has increased these environmental issues, many consumers have declared themselves ready to change their purchasing habits and their commitment to sustainable purchasing. 

A study by “Capgeminiresearch institute”, analyzes the impact of sustainability on consumers' purchasing decisions and their expectations from companies. This research shows that 79% of consumers are willing to change their purchasing preferences towards products and companies that follow certain criteria such as social responsibility, inclusion, and environmental business impact. The pandemic has also increased consumer awareness and commitment to more sustainable purchases: 67% of consumers said they would pay more attention to natural resource lack, while 65% said that in the future "new normal" they would be more mindful of the impact of their consumption.

More than half of the population is changing their buying habits, especially if we speak about young consumers: 57% of people aged 18-24 have started buying products from lesser-known but more sustainable brands. The 52% of respondents to the research said they have an emotional connection with products or companies they consider sustainable, while 64% said buying sustainable products makes them feel better, a percentage that increases to 72% for those between 25 and 35 years old.  

BOTTA Packaging keeps herself up with the times. Understanding the consumers’ needs and the current challenges, BOTTA Packaging offers to its clients sustainable packaging innovations that are in line with the values searched by the consumers, to protect the environment. 

👉 Click here to discover more about eco-products. 







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