


11 passaggi per creare il tuo cestino da picnic

Il cestino da picnic in cartone ondulato è un prototipo progettato dagli studenti della California Polytechnic State University. Il design ha lo scopo di imitare un cestino da picnic sia nel design sia nella funzione.
Il corpo del cestino è costituito da un unico pezzo di cartone ondulato che è assemblato con linguette ribaltabili per ridurre la quantità di adesivi necessari. La maniglia è nascosta all'interno del cestino per proteggerlo durante la spedizione e poi sollevata in posizione all'apertura dei lembi esterni del pacco.

Gli inserti e i lembi interni offrono una serie di scomparti per ogni alimento e una protezione aggiuntiva per gli articoli in vetro. Gli inserti non solo mantengono il cibo organizzato, ma forniscono anche una rigidità strutturale e una superficie piana e solida su cui poggiano i lembi superiori.
Non a caso, il cestino da picnic, visivamente accattivante, ha vinto il primo premio in un concorso d’imballaggio in cartone ondulato negli Stati Uniti.

Cartone ondulato per picnic

Per gli amanti del fai da te, un tutorial su come realizzare il vostro cestino personalizzato.
Per crearlo serve del cartone, dello scotch biadesivo e poco altro, non dimenticate, però, di seguire le istruzioni con precisione e il risultato finale vi sorprenderà.

  1. ·         Tagliare dal cartone tinta unita un rettangolo delle dimensioni di 60, 8 x 63, 8.
  2. ·         Piegare il rettangolo precedente partendo dai bordi 2 volte 10,2 sia nel lato orizzontale sia in quello verticale.
  3. ·         Tagliare i quadrati che si sono formati agli angoli.
  4. ·         Tagliare il cartone di 3 mm della stessa misura del fondo e dei lati del cartoncino fantasia.
  5. ·         Comporre la scatola aiutandosi con il biadesivo.
  6. ·         Realizzare allo stesso modo anche il coperchio in maniera più bassa e di 1 cm più grande su tutti i lati.
  7. ·         Tagliare il cartoncino fantasia e incollarlo sul coperchio.
  8. ·         Tagliare in prossimità di quest'ultimo l'altezza del coperchio.
  9. ·         Tagliare una striscia alta 3,5 cm di cartone tinta unita.
  10.  ·         Praticare dei fori agli estremi della striscia e fissare il manico con i ferma campioni al cestino.
  11.  ·         Simulare della tovaglia che esce dal cestino con il cartoncino a quadretti incollato all'interno.

Ora non dovete far altro che preparare gustosi panini e delle bibite per il vostro picnic al parco o sulla spiaggia.

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- Roberta -


Vuoi una pizza croccante? Scegli il cartone ondulato

L’industria del packaging ha compiuto, soprattutto negli ultimi decenni, passi da gigante nella messa a punto di materiali sempre più innovativi per il confezionamento dei prodotti alimentari; ciononostante il cartone, una delle risorse più “storiche”, continua a giocare un ruolo da protagonista in questo settore.

Cruncy pizza in a box 

Il cartone presenta, infatti, una combinazione di vantaggi che nessun altro prodotto può vantare:
  • ·         Bassi costi di produzione
  • ·         Possibilità di realizzare contenitori di tutte le forme e dimensioni
  • ·         Facilità ed economicità della stampa
  • ·         Equilibrio tra leggerezza e robustezza
  • ·         Sicurezza alimentare
  • ·         Possibilità di plastificazione
  • ·         Massima riciclabilità
  • ·         Risorsa da fonti rinnovabili

Le scatole per alimentiin cartone, grazie alle loro proprietà uniche, sono idonee sia a contenere prodotti industriali confezionati che specialità da asporto come ad esempio patatine, pizze, finger food, così come prodotti di pasticceria e molte altre tipologie di alimenti.

Cruncy pizza in a box 

Un’importante catena di pizza a domicilio ha ridisegnato la sua scatola di consegna della pizza in modo da mantenere la pizza calda più a lungo e garantire che la crosta rimanga croccante. Il nuovo design del cartone ondulato per pizza intrappola più aria per isolare il prodotto. C’è anche uno speciale “crisp sheet” su cui è posta la pizza all’interno della scatola, anch’essa realizzata in cartone ondulato con scanalatura che fornisce una base migliore per mantenere la crosta croccante e una superficie su cui mantenere la pizza più calda dopo che è stata rimossa dalla scatola per essere servita.

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- Roberta -

La stanza in una scatola

Il cartone ondulato è un mono-materiale completamente rinnovabile. Rispetta la natura perché è da essa che proviene: è prodotto esclusivamente con fibra cellulosa e collanti naturali, e può quindi essere riciclato rapidamente.

È un materiale sicuro poiché la sua struttura è costituita da un sandwich di onde e copertine. Le onde rappresentano i pilastri portanti che conferiscono resistenza e robustezza al cartone e ammortizzano gli urti provenienti dall’esterno.  

Negli ultimi anni è nato un universo produttivo sostenibile, leggero e amichevole, declinato nei settori dell’arredamento, del packaging, del corporate design, del design per bambini, della moda, dell’allestimento e dell’architettura.

L’utilizzo del cartone nel settore dell’arredamento e del design è cominciato con prodotti sperimentali, come la notissima Wiggle chair disegnata dall’architetto Frank O. Gehry e prodotta da Vitra nel 1972, che ha destato l’interesse e la curiosità del pubblico quando la discussione sul tema del riciclo era solo all’inizio. Da allora, i mobili di cartone hanno percorso molta strada e hanno conosciuto una buona diffusione e impiego. Nei paesi industrializzati è aumentata la sensibilità e l’attenzione al riciclo della carta, insieme alla necessità di comunicare.

Design in cartone ondulato 

Utilizzare le proprietà intrinseche dell’ondulato a loro vantaggio per creare una gamma di mobili, questa è l’idea alla base dei prodotti di un’azienda di Berlino. Ordina online in pochi click e il tuo letto arriverà in una scatola piatta e salvaspazio.  Una volta spacchettato, si dispiega come un’armonica e il cartone ondulato forma un letto rigido e resistente ma leggero. Il letto può portare 100 volte il suo peso!

Ci sono letti singoli, letti matrimoniali e con un set di prolunga possono anche essere estesi fino a formare un grande letto familiare!

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3 cool ways to DIY box

Every family has a lot of shoes, and of course there are a lot of shoes. In this era of style, many shoes are not only beautiful, but they are also durable and eye-catching. Do you throw it in the trash?

Of course not, because there are so many clever uses, and you can re-use the shoe box. So you're ready, let's call it a handy and cute item!

Pen box

Families with small children usually have many types of pens. You can combine shoe boxes and toilet paper tubes to form a pen box. With a neat layout, you will clearly distinguish between ballpoint pens, crayons, colored pencils, pencils and others. At a glance, the box will bring convenience and simplicity quickly to get what you need.
Beautiful box
Wrap paper wrapped in a paper box, paint the color around the box, or wrap the box in multi-colored fabric. So you made a box, nice gadgets.

Instapack pen box
Pen box 

A children's shelter is indispensable to such boxes. Be creative to have more cute boxes for your family.

Stationery box

You can skilfully design your old shoe box into a stationery box, or fold the flowers with paper folded ... What else can you do?

DIY Instapack
Stationery box

Wall hangers

The tall, low-hanging boxes on the wall are the perfect way to display the furniture. In a moment you can sort and stow away the belongings of the little ones.


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DIY And DIY Trends In The Interior

In the age of technology, people gradually became passive and dependent on the available gadgets. DIY trends come out, sometimes people follow the trend but few know what DIY is? However, not everyone is caught up in such a passive life, looking for new and creative things to make their lives more meaningful. Therefore, DIY was born and became a trend. So who knows what DIY is? Can you DIY or not? And what does it need to do? The following article from Nguyen Moc Décor will help you answer your questions.

What is DIY?

DIY stands for "Do It Yourself," meaning "self-sufficient". What is the meaning of DIY? DIY is a product that creates, repairs or builds something and serves the life of yourself and your family. Basically, DIY is understood as, instead of hiring a repairer to fix something, or instead of buying one, you can repair it yourself, create it yourself without assistance the help of a professional or artisan. That does not mean you can not use the tutorials from youtube, a book or a DIY tutorial blog for you to do.

DIY & consumer culture

Between DIY and consumer culture there is a clear opposition in modern life. While consumer culture offers solutions to satisfy the living needs of people by buying existing items, DIY encourages people to use their technology to create new ones. objects for daily life of themselves. So people in the DIY community or DIY are dynamic, creative and active people.

How is DIY different from handmade?

DIY and handmade are all forms of self-made without the support of others. However, between the DIY itself, you can do it manually or use the machine to create products. Handmade is a self-made product that is only used by hand. DIY products are often made for home and personal use, and handmade items can be sold for use by people. DIY can do technology items, large size products and handmade are often easy to make, small pretty is made simple.
DIY from corrugated cardboard

DIY trend
Can you DIY?
In life, there is nothing we can not do but others can do it. So you can DIY. If you have not had the experience to do something yourself, you can refer to the article or video tutorials on how to do it online. Technology era should take advantage of a scientific way to make life more meaningful.

Some DIY products
The DIY movement is nowadays popular in the DIY market by using iron legs to create unique, simple décor products that bring new space. It's also from the trend of DIY development that many people know the iron powder coating powder and DIY is more than the following, some of the products are made from many iron legs are powder coated, bring a variety of products. Furniture to respond to the DIY movement.

Tea table with iron legs

With iron legs, when combined with wood panels and simple operations with a few screws you can create a very strange tea table and use very high. There are many templates iron legs you can use to DIY as iron legs hairpins, foot cast iron , foot iron box ... With the feet of iron you can combine the sofa to bring an interior space living room complete good

Table iron legs

Kitchen furniture can not lack the image of the dining table, instead of spending money on expensive dining tables, you can create your own home with a solid wood dining table or stone combined with iron legs. The use of iron legs to help make the table space more luxurious.

Décor products made from iron hairpin legs

In addition to making the dining table or tea table, legs of iron hairpin trend DIY longer useful immensely as we can design into products décor in the home such as decorative shelves, shelf or houseplants, ...
Through this article hopes you will have many DIY ideas to create unique furniture, serve your own life and bring a meaningful life.

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5 motivi - Lettere in cartone ondulato per natale

Volete aggiungere un tocco personale al vostro natale? State pensando alle decorazioni o al regalo perfetto e vi manca il pezzo forte? Le lettere in cartone ondulato sono la soluzione ai vostri problemi! Saranno una parte importante del vostro allestimento e un regalo speciale per questo natale. Per questo natale potrai scegliere tra le nostre scritte in cartone ondulato:

Merry Xmas, welcome, home, love. Le lettere in cartone ondulato sono perfette per ogni occasione e danno un tocco decorativo particolarmente handmade. Le lettere in cartone ondulato sono formate da fogli di cartone compressati e ritagliati, posti su una base in cartone che le tiene in piedi.

Perché comprare o regalare le lettere in cartone ondulato? Ecco 5 motivi per farlo:

1- Le lettere in cartone ondulato possono essere utilizzare come decorazione per la casa, per il negozio o per qualche vetrina.

2- Le lettere in cartone sono  il regalo di natale perfetto per amici parenti o per se stessi. Ti permette di fare un regalo economico per te e per l’ambiente.

3- Il cartone ondulato come regalo di natale è una cosa moderna e innovativa.

4- Il riutilizzo del cartone permette non solo un notevole risparmio economico ma garantisce anche il rispetto dell'ambiente.

5- L’utilizzo delle lettere in cartone ondulato come addobbo di natale richiamano alla tecnica del fai da te. Le lettere realizzate interamente in cartone possono essere decorate e utilizzate a piacimento.

MerryXmas in cartone ondulato
MerryXmas in cartone ondulato 
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8 steps to Design your gifts

Designed by your gifts wrapping _ Designing cartoons and layouts in various shapes.

How beautifully you can decorate your gift in your own hand. How to keep your gift in paper in Easy way. here below you can get the most detailed and fun ways of doing gift wraps, so how to set them up, watch out and strengthen them with caution. You need to make a gift on your own: to Pack with a  Beautiful Ribbon some Centimeters Tape Twist Pacific Press First you need to know the required amount of Packing paper. To do this, you need to cut back a rectangle.
* Identify the box near the edge of the sheet, to separate the rectangle. You need to add two corners later.
*It is important to know the length of time you want to know the height of the tent twice. Tips: If you have already packaged packages, test it in the official newspaper. So you can decide the correct amount.

1. You need to determine the size of the required amount the of paper. Put a gift box in the middle of the gift.

2. Now turn 0-1-1,5 centimeters to the left or right vertical beam edge and then fold at the bottom of the pipe.

3. The gift box has to be strictly added. Remove the film from the sticker, and end the closet close to the pack.

4. The upper part of the package should be stored as shown in the picture. It needs to be strictly installed at the end of the box.

5. The sides of the box should be plotted and firmly pressed. Addition is important. You'll need to re wrap this section and then rebuild, but now in the middle.

7. Attach this note sheet and attach it to the end of the box.

8. Repeat the same process repeatedly.

Another options:
Option 1: Cutting needles first. Paper alignment Another shade. In this drill, place the cloth in a box and seal with holes. You can add a cute coral. How to get the gift on your own.
Option 2 If this is the order you can use it as a packing paper. Leave more sheets and use this section for notes.
How to decorate Gift Box : Option 3 Try different colors of different types of suits. Try different colors. They are fun and beautiful. Alternatively, you can also decorate the 4 cup of sweet dessert. Pay it in the gift box and remove the tips with a double-sided adhesive tape.
How good it is to give a gift.

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Corrugated process

What is Corrugator?

Corrugators are divided into wet end (from Mill Roll Stand to Gule Machine) and Dry end Part (from heat plate to Stacker).
The wet end is subdivided into Mill Roll Stand, Preheater, Preconditioner, Single Facer, Over Bridge, and Glue Machine. Dry end shafts are divided into Heating Plate, Canvas Driving, Ballast Roll, Chop Cutter, Slitter Scorer, Rorary Cutter and Stacker .

 Features of Corrugator's Process
The characteristics of the corrugator process are continuous production process which is composed of various kinds of unit machines and composes a complex structure, and it is largely divided into wet end and dry end.

 Features of Wet End Process
Wet End is a process that forms a bone with a liner and a corrugate and bonds and drying it. It is divided into a process that affects the corrugated board quality (wave, rolled steel, warp, etc.) as follows.

 Mill Roll Stand
It is a device that keeps the paper at a proper tension and releases it.

 Auto Splicer
It is a device that connects the used paper and the new paper without stopping the machine.

 Preheater and preconditioner

It is a device to dry and adjust the moisture of raw paper. There is a close relationship between the production speed and the warp.

 Single Facer
One of the core parts of bone gauges is a machine that forms a corrugated bone and bonds it with a liner to make a one-sided corrugated cardboard

It is a device that sends one side to a gourmet machine and a double facer, and it includes a device to adjust the tension of one side corrugated cardboard.

 Glue Machine
It is an important device that affects adhesion strength, compressive strength, waff and so on of corrugated cardboard with a machine that applies a succulent solution to the part of the corrugated cardboard bone sent from the bridge.

 Double Facer
It affects adhesive strength, compressive strength, waff and so on, which is the biggest obstacle to the increase of corrugated board production speed.

 Characteristics of Dry End Process
The Dry End consists of cutting the corrugated board fabric made in the wet end to the required length, cutting it, and stacking the necessary number of sheets.

 Rotary Shear
It is the first process of dry end to cut the defective part of the fabric such as defective bonding of the paper joints.

 Slitter Scorer
It is a device that can cut corrugated cardboard fabric and reduce the number of processes by adding ruled lines.
Botta Packaging

 Cut-Off Machine
It cuts the length of the fabric to the required length, and it is equipped with an NC device that can cope instantly with changes in the lot production lot.

It is a device that cuts the required length of the fabric to the required height or number of sheets.
 Production management device
It is a core part of golfers that can automatically produce corrugated cardboard by controlling wet end and dry end.

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Top 5 best online photo editing websites

Beautiful pictures are always the joy of every person in keeping the memories or sharing it with others. To get beautiful "virtual" images you often have to use professional photo editing tools such as Photoshop with a knowledge of certain software and take little time to edit as you want. .
If you do not know photoshop do not worry, because there are many beautiful photo editing website available online, you do not need to download can also edit your photo more sparkling, perfect, and spoiled live virtual you.

Here we will share with you 5 hottest photo editing websites online.

The first website I want to introduce to you is called Fotor. With a neat, easy-to-use interface and fast execution speed, Fotor is worthy of the smallest image-editing website on the list. In addition to providing a lot of photo collage, Fotor also offers you the function of photo editing is not worse than photoshop with the operation is much simpler.

Simple yet effective that the phrase that people give to Pizap. Do not possess eye-catching interface like these websites but in return Pizap owns very fast load speed, effective features bring you great results.

Instapack Botta Packaging
Graphic  example designed by Pizap

Ipiccy is a surprise for online photo editors, with a nice interface, an easy-to-use tool system, and a variety of customizable add-ons for your creative freedom. The website that brought it. Come and try the Ipiccy experience!

A bit more complex than the website above, but this is a feature that bring the attractiveness to Befunky. Contains a huge selection of special effects with Touch Up options that allow you to "transform" your photos in a "quality" style. Besides, the website also provides the utility cut photos according to the size of facebook cover, it is convenient not to do!

5. Web Camera
The name is very familiar right? Not only "make the wind" on the smarphone that even on the website system, Camera360 also makes people "happy" with what it brings. No need to install anything, your only access to the website of Camera360 and comfortable editing the image you want, waiting for anything, find your stock photos and do it!

Here are 5 websites to help you edit photos Online for free. Let's experience and say what you like best website offline!

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Tips for packaging design

Designing the form of the package, interior, exterior, materials, etc. to communicate directly with the buyer. The functionality of the product is noticeable in a similar age, inducing curiosity.
The objective is to be able to know at a glance what kind of product it is and to increase the desire to purchase. The packaging design includes both stereoscopic design and flat design, the former being paper cups, cans, bottles, bottles, carriers. The latter is a field of graphic design that is responsible for surface treatment.

What is the importance of package designers?

It is a communication tool that conveys the image of the company while being the face of the product.
instapack botta packaging
Packaging model

Sometimes more than the product itself stimulates the purchase motive of the consumer . It is also important as a marketing tool . Therefore, it is easy to convey the value of a product. It also plays an important role in improving corporate image.

What is good package design?

Good ideas, good designs can be obtained from consumers' reactions.
A well-crafted design gives consumers more opportunities to be chosen before considering the nature of the product . Package design should be able to nurture and support the brands of companies and products in addition to the original purpose of protection of contents. At the present time when functions are similar, it is possible to improve the value of companies, and products.
instapack botta packaging
Packaging design

Design and strategy to develop intangible assets became a necessity.
Therefore , it is necessary to protect the goods well, to inform the value of the goods, to protect them
The package design that can increase the value of the enterprise is a good package design.
There is following some suggestion for your ideas in designing packaging.
instapack botta packaging
Graphic designed by Instapack
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Free Download! 12 Packaging Design

You wonder how you can design your own package and how to print it out! From our previous blog show you the steps. And in this blog, we will give you some suggestion about pattern and where to put the graphics in the diecuts and how it looks like in 3D models.

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Packaging design 

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All things about corrugated cardboards

Corrugated cardboard is called corrugated paper, which is made up of wavy corrugated paper (called the center) and liner paper (paper), which is made of flat, stiff cardboard and bonded on one or both sides with adhesive. To increase the degree of cushioning, some are made in duplicate and are mainly used to make corrugated boxes.

The purpose of using corrugated boxes is that they are not only very useful in terms of rationalizing the use of wood resources, but also because they are less expensive than wood boxes of the same size, because they use less than 1/10 of the wood. The manufacturing method is such that a liner paper having a basis weight of 180 to 400 g / m 2 produced by a paperboard paper machine and a corrugated paper roll having a basis weight of 120 to 150 g / m 2 are put on a corrugating machine.  A corrugated cardboard is made with a wavy, uniform corrugated cardboard, and at the same time, the corrugated cardboard is made by bonding to the liner paper.

Corrugated cardboard is divided into corrugated cardboard for external packaging and internal packing depending on the application. The process of making a corrugated cardboard box involves first determining a certain box style according to the contents to be packed, then printing the necessary items on the corrugated cardboard surface, cutting it in a sliver, It will be bonded with adhesive tape. Be careful not to create warp on the corrugated cardboard. When assembling, make sure that the bent part is at right angles. The advantage of a corrugated box is that it is light in weight, easy to stack, convenient to carry and store, can be folded, and is not easily damaged by external impact. Uses include food, electrical appliances, machine parts, miscellaneous goods, fruits and vegetables, meat, etc., but they are not suitable for packaging of super heavy cargo.

The basic forms of corrugated boxes are A, B, C, and E, and there are BA, BB and EB corrugated double sided corners. To see in details in our next blog 

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7 Steps Guide for packaging design

First part, see here 

4. Creating an Information Architecture

Think again about these three questions. Especially who buys your product and where you find it. You can use this information to create an information architecture for the package.
You can provide beautiful pictures of your products, great ratings from your customers, witty explanations that show off your looks, and great graphics that show customers how to use the product. However, when the buyer looks at the package they will probably only remember one thing.

What do you want?

Choose what you want to know about the product. It should be the center of your design. You can then select a product or click on the link to add two or three items to display after the transaction is completed. Let's take an example.

1) Lelini's brand name is the most important. Next, there is a tagline that indicates what the product can do to buyers.

2) The most important thing that consumers need to know is that they are organic. And the picture tells you how you prepared the product.

3) Look at the picture. Are not you hungry? You can see exactly what is in the bag. And second, it tells you how easy it is to prepare at a glance.

5. Evaluation of packaging design

You have a great idea! Now is the time to give some feedback. Here are a few things to consider:
1. Is your product clear?

When looking at the package, is it clear what role the product plays and for whom? Buyers will spend money on understanding. If the packaging is not intentional, make sure it is not similar to anything else. You will not want to confuse the consumer.

2. Is packaging the honest expression of your product?

One of the worst things you can do is to misdirect the product to packaging. Make sure the photo in the packaging is actually a product photo. If you show a picture of a muffin filled with raisins and there is actually one raisin per muffin, you might think that you are cheated.

3. How will this package look in 3D?

A good designer should provide a model of print preparation (flat) and three-dimensional design. You can also print a print on white paper and assemble it into a box or tube to create a full-scale model. This will tell you things you would not otherwise notice. Sometimes the image looks good when it is flat, but it looks bad when it is created in 3D (or vice versa). Make sure you understand the differences.

4. What does this package look like in the store?

How the package looks on the shelf is very important for products sold in stores. You should consider the following:

How much packaging do you see? If the products are side by side, you usually only see one side. Make sure the most important information is front and center.

What do they look like when these products are stacked side by side and on top of each other? Is there a pattern created? Do you want to be there?

What is the appearance of the product compared to the competition? Go to one or more stores where your products will be sold to figure out where your products will be placed. Most products are one color? How can you make your things stand out and get your attention?

5. Is this design versatile?

Can I easily modify the design to match the new variant of the product?

6. Can I reuse packaging materials?

This is not important for all products, but you may need to consider (and if you want to) reuse the packaging. For example, can you put your bag in a grocery store? If you are selling gardening gloves, can I rebuild the box with pollen? It is smart and functional.

6. Feedback collection

Before deciding on a 100% packaging design, make sure that key stakeholders and employees who have never heard of or have never heard of the product and have never used it before
Even if you are a neighbor across the street, people who are not close relatives to your product will notice things you never did. Consider the following questions:

What is the role of this product?
Who is buying this product?
What are the main messages you get when viewing the packaging?

Their answers to these questions will help you determine whether the package delivers what you want. If not, go to the designer and see what you can change.

7. Getting the right file from the designer

We decided on the packaging design. Now go back to the information you got from the printer and make sure you have the right files. Here's what you need:

Packaging drawings in vector format: Maybe Adobe Illustrator (.ai), .pdf, or .eps file. You need one for each package change you make.

Color Code: If your printer uses a custom color, check the Pantone or CMYK color code to get the desired result.

* Dielines: Flat pattern of product packaging. Designers and printers use these tools to create the proper layout of the package.


4 First Basic Guide to Product Packaging Package Design

Once you have gathered all the information mentioned in the ' Basic Guide to Product Package Design ', the fun part, the design process begins. Remember how to tell stories from your packaging design? The choices you make in the design process will help convey that story.

1. Understanding the Packaging Layer
There are three "layers" of product packaging: outer packaging, inner packaging, and product packaging. Your product may require one or both of these.

The outer packaging will be the first to be seen by the customer. This is to protect your product from the outside. This may include a box where the product is shipped or a shopping bag where the product is placed in the store.

Inner packaging is to ensure that the product is stored safely in the outer packaging. This can prevent something from shaking. Or it may be a sealed bag that serves to maintain freshness.
Product packaging is what most people think when they think of packaging. Boxes containing toys, bottles with labels, tags attached to clothes, candy wrapping, and so on. Each of these layers gives you the opportunity to say some of the stories you want to say. 

2. Select the appropriate packaging type

There are several packaging types available for the product.
Choosing between a box and a bottle may not always be a simple matter. But sometimes it is not. Here are some things to consider when choosing the right type of package for your product:

Everything is always this way! If you sell a liquid thing, it will limit your choice. But do not let it interfere with your creativity. Look at the Capri Sun. They made the juice packed into a pack and monopolized the juice box industry. Or a product like Go-Gurt that makes a spoonful of yogurt suck in a pack.


Did everyone else put the soup in the basket? You really want to think hard about how to put the soup into something else. On the one hand it will make you stand out and it will help you stand out. On the other hand, consumers are accustomed to soup cans and grocery stores are preparing to store cans in the soup corners, which may mean that your soup box is fighting a hard fight.

There is a great idea on how to sell astrology in a star-shaped box. However, if the budget is $ 0.50 per piece, it will not be possible. Always be an ideal customer. If a reasonable price is being sold for $ 12 each, a simple, inexpensive box is probably the best way. But if you are a hand made gold souvenir sold for $ 100, it might be better to increase your budget and buy that colorful star-shaped box.

3. Align the printer

Printing is not a task until the design is completed. But before you reach that level, you have to think ahead. When connected to a printer, it not only stabilizes printing costs, but it can also provide specific information that can help designers prepare files.

Here are a few questions:

What is the drawing?

If you use standard-sized boxes and labels, your printer must be able to provide pages and templates that you can share with your designers.

File format requirements

The printer needs a vector file. Is it a layer file? Should I include a cut line? Is not it? Designers must provide printable files in Adobe Illustrator (.ai), Photoshop (.psd), PDF, or EPS. Without the correct software, these files can not be opened, but the printer can be opened. Designers also provide visual real-world models in PNG or JPG format. Make sure you understand the right file types and can provide them to users correctly.

Color options

Some printers can match all Pantone colors and colors. For others (especially the low-cost option), the color palette you can use when working is limited.

Digital vs. offset printing

What type of printer do you use? What is the minimum order quantity for offset printing? How are costs adjusted?

To be continued  in our next blog!


Features of Kraft paper or craft paper

What about kraft? It is paper made from kraft pulp, brown is typical and its surface is rough and tough. Mainly used as a package, shopping, housing, business cards, covers, food packages, luxury packages, etc., especially Optimized for food package box . As you can see, it is similar to the material of the courier box, so it is often expected that the unit price will be low, but the kraft paper is high-grade paper and the paper price is expensive!

There are many kinds of kraft paper, I will introduce only 10 kinds:

1. Craft Pack
2. New Craft Board
3. New Eco Craft
4. Starcraft
5. First Vintage
6. Fancy Craft
7. Royal Craft
8. Multi-craft
9. Wrinkle Craft
10. Shuppel

From 1 to 6, see here 

7. Royal Craft   Single-sided coating board made of natural kraft pulp.  It is composed of two layers of paper structure made of hardwood pine pulp in natural craft color on the unc stand out . 
 It is eco-friendly, and has excellent durability and integrity. 
 It is mainly used in various package boxes such as commercial print, shopping bag, food package.  W eights are 305g, 330g, 360g, 390g, 420g, 490g and 560g. 

8. Multi-craft   It is a natural craft with excellent preservation of roundness and strength with excellent characteristics in w refrigerated food. 
 Since it has a high density structure, it provides high strength even at low height, which is effective for redu Optimized for grocery packages, mainly used in pharmaceutical and industrial packages.  Basis weight is 293g, 332g, 361g, and 391g.

9. Wrinkle Craft   The natural grain of the surface of the fabric during the manufacturing process doubles the design effect an We are proud of soft and tough strength. 
 It is made of natural pulp and can be used as food package. 
 It is mainly used for gift package, shopping bag, book cover, card, food package.  The basis weight is 120g, 140g, 160g, 200g. 

10. Shuppel   It is an analog concept paper containing the mind that wants to become familiar paper by the compound wo Utilizing low-density production technology, you can obtain a texture equivalent to a one-step weight produ Used mainly in envelopes, shopping bags, posters, covers and brochures.  The basis weight is 1 11g, 204g.

Get kraft paper or craft paper 's price, contact us


Kraft paper or craft paper

Kraft paper / craft paper can be said to be an environmentally friendly natural analog paper
What about kraft? It is paper made from kraft pulp, brown is typical and its surface is rough and tough. Mainly used as a package, shopping, housing, business cards, covers, food packages, luxury packages, etc., especially Optimized for food package box . As you can see, it is similar to the material of the courier box, so it is often expected that the unit price will be low, but the kraft paper is high-grade paper and the paper price is expensive!

There are many kinds of kraft paper, I will introduce only 10 kinds .
1. Craft Pack
2. New Craft Board
3. New Eco Craft
4. Starcraft
5. First Vintage
6. Fancy Craft
7. Royal Craft
8. Multi-craft
9. Wrinkle Craft
10. Shuppel


1. Craft Pack

The soft structure of softwood pulp is excellent for insulation effect. It is a low-density, high-yield product that can save 20 ~ 30% in cost compared to the same thickness cardb It is mainly optimized for food and beverage packages and cosmetic package boxes. The basis weight is 224g, 244g, 259g, 283g, 308g, 332g, 356g, 385g and 410g. (Where the basis weight is the weight per unit area of a sheet of paper , typically expressed in grams of paper)

2. New craft board

New Kraft board with high smoothness and strength expresses outstanding printability, workability. Mainly used for covers, brochures, shopping bag tags, business cards, and various package boxes. The basis weight is 175g, 205g, 225g, 250g, 2 75g, 300g, 337g, 440g, and 469g.
3. New Eco Craft
Eco-friendly non-bleached pulp is used and it is uncoated. It has high strength, volume and water resistance Mainly used in covers, brochures, shopping bags, tags, business cards, and various packages. Weights are 161g, 175g, and 200g.

4. Starcraft
For the purpose of high printability and processability, the top side is made of non-bleached natural hardwo The underside is a two-layer structure made of strong and hard SFI natural softwood iron pro, which minim It is mainly used for refrigerated storage, parts boxes, shopping bags, tags, labels and various packages.

5. First Vintage
It is based on raw paper blended with unbleached pulp of softwood and bleached pulp of hardwood with co It is a multi-colored graphic paper with the color and texture that reinterprets the old feeling with the vintag It is mainly used for commercial prints, stationery, invitations, shopping bags, and various packages. The basis weight is 120g and 157g. It has 12 colors.

To be continued  in our next blog!


The benefits of cartons in life

As we all know carton boxes have many uses in life in which the greatest use is to pack the goods in convenient transport. But there are still plenty of other useful uses for life.
Carton box for convenient transportation

The undeniable use of the carton is that the packaging protects the goods moving away. Using cardboard cartons to keep your belongings safe from scratches, shreds, and small items that fit into the bin to make shipping easier and avoid getting lost. Using containers for packing, food packaging, export items is a regular thing.

Carton box to promote the brand

The carton also has great benefits when it comes to serving as a cost effective advertising medium. Company information, brand names, slogans, logos can be printed on the bin and spread the message to customers.

Carton box protects the environment

Carton boxes also have great benefits when reused several times to help protect waste minimization. Carton paper can also be decomposed very easily to handle.

Carton boxes are ornaments, baby toys

A very unique use of old carton boxes can be used to make baby toys or models. Old cartons can be sanded into small cute toy houses. The skillfully transformed into picture frames, unique decoration for the house. Accommodation for pets.

There are many other uses of cardboard boxes for us to explore. Try to buy old cartons to create more interesting toys for your baby. Wish you success!

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Take advantage of the Carton cover for furniture, why not?

Corrugated cardboard

Use recycled materials to turn them into indoor furniture while avoiding waste of resources and protecting the environment. What do you think if the carton, extremely cheap and popular material can be designed into furniture?
If you think furniture made from cardboard will be very rough and not aesthetically the image below may give you a different perspective.


The easiest way to do this is to use a cardboard box to make a small bookstand. If more feasible, large bookshelves designs are not impossible. However, it is recommended that you place the bookshelf against the wall instead of standing without a fulcrum.


You will be surprised to find that the carton beds are much cheaper than wood but still ensure aesthetics and solidity.


This is a very common design, using carton boxes assembled into a stylish wardrobe.
Carton table

Made entirely from cardboard, along with an ingenuity in styling and decoration, the desk made of cardboard covers looks very unique and suits the eye.


There are many ideas for making cardboard cartons into chairs. However, in order to have a firm seat, the sheets must be very thick or you will have to use multiple panels.

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